Michele Mandrelli

Music & Sound



Bambula Project

Original Soundtrack/Sound design

Coreography _ Paolo Rosini
Performers _ Paolo Rosini - Chiara Tosti

" 2019 | TENDANCE's Award winner "

Oriri is a latin word that means "to born, to rise, to originate, to begin" but also to find/turn towards the East, where the sun rises. Oriri is an intimate experience, a dreamlike journey that sinks into a blind and overnight abyss and then re-emerges into the light. A reflection on the changeable flow of life and its elusiveness; a place where putting yourself in the hand of the flow of the events become a new starting point for an existence that seems to be void of support, almost left to fend for itself. With this contemporary dance duo, the author faces the birth, not only as starting point of individual human participation to life but also, and especially, as a continuous process that shapes new individual's forms through perception, experience therefore the contact, both physical and not. The contact, expression of meeting place, becomes an indelible mark that leaves traces on the body, driving force that inspires metamorphosis therefore rebirth.

Installation trailer